Jaga Low-H20 selected as the most economical radiator

9 to 16% energy saving

Lower CO2-emissions

Less material use

Lower investment

The quickest and most adjustable radiator

The quickest and most adjustable radiator

Ecodesign with 30 year guarantee
After the Belgian WTCB (Belgian building research institute) and the British BRE, the Dutch KIWA institute also awarded the highest score for Jaga’s Low-H2O heat exchanger.
Jaga’s Low-H2O radiator has been thoroughly tested over the years by a variety of independent bodies in various countries. The Low-H2O radiator achieves the lowest carbon emission output, using the least amount of energy, time and time again. It will therefore be no surprise that more than 10 million of these radiators with their innovative design have already been installed worldwide. The Jaga Low-H2O radiators have proudly held this prestige for some time now, accompanied with it’s 30 year guarantee the Low-H2O radiator provides confidence in being the most reliable solution as well as the most energy-efficient and comfortable heating solution.
“Energy saving certification for Low-H2O heat exchanger in a Tempo casing”
Apeldoorn, 2014

Réglementation Thermique BBC Bâtiments Basse Consommation
France, 2013

“Energy efficiency benefit of low water content heat emitters”
Watford, 2003

“Functioning of Low-H2O heating at low water temperature”
Eindhoven, 2001

“Emission performance of radiators and convectors”
Brussel, 1981
The Low-H2O technology makes the difference
“There is a clear correlation between the weight of a radiator, its reaction time and its energy efficiency.”

The low mass radiator with super fast heat exchangers
A small mass heats up faster than a large mass. That is a law of nature. Low-H2O radiators are much lighter and contain far less water than other radiators or underfloor heating systems. Thus they need no prior self-heating, and also immediately transfer the heat to the room. The ultra-modern aluminium and copper Low-H2O heat exchanger responds several times faster than underfloor heating or other radiators. The heating also stops after reaching the optimal room temperature. For this reason, the Jaga Low-H2O radiator provides greater comfort with lower energy consumption.
Low-H2O now even more compact with dbh option!